Visitor Analytics

  • Visitor analytics is for analyzing your own sites.
  • Suppose, you are a owner of a website and you want to analyze know about your visitors such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, average stay time , traffic source, top referrer, visitor type, content overview, country wise report, browser report, OS report, Device report etc. We have used our own algorithoms to calculate these parameters and made your job as simple as everyone want.
  • First, you have to add your website. The system will provide you one line of javaScript code for your site. Just copy the line and paste into source code of all web page of that site. If you have a common file that loads in every web page of your website like header.html or sidebar.php or footer.asp , then add this code there.
  • To view analysis report, click Details button from your website list. You can aslo delete a website here. If you lost the js code you can also regenate it by clicking Get JS Code button.


  1. Day wise visitor: Number of total visitor on a day.
  2. Unique visitor: The visitor who access a website between a predetermined time interval is a unique visitor. How many times the visitor will access between the time interval is does not matter, the visitor will be considered as a single visitor. If the visitor hits the website after the time period then the visitor will be the new or recurring visitor.
  3. Page View: A pageview is an access to a particular page on a website. If a person visits only on page of website then it is one pageview. If the visitor accesses two page of single website then it is two pageviews.
  4. Average Stay Time: Stay time is the time that a visitor stay on the single website. The stay time counts from access of a visitor on page and leaving the website by closing the browser or a event occurs like click a link of the website finally. That means stay time is the time between any visitors on a page from his or her first activity to last activity. Average stay time is the total stay time of all user divided by the number of visits.
  5. Average Visit: Average visit is the total number of visit divided by number of visitors.
  6. Bounce Rate: A bounce is a event when a visitor comes to a site and leave without any activity i.e. he or she does not click any other link or do not scroll. A bounce rate is the percentage of number of user bounced divided the total number of user or visitor.
  7. Traffic From Search Engines: Search engine traffic refers to the visitors who arrive at a website by clicking search results leading to that particular website. That means a person searches for a certain thing and access the web site from search engine result.
  8. Traffic From Social Networks: Social network traffic refers to the visitors who arrive at a website by clicking any link of the website residing on a social network site. That means a person visits a social network site and click link to the website.
  9. New Visitor: A new visitor is the visitor who accesses the website for first time.
  10. Returning Visitor: A returning visitor is the visitor who accessed the website at least twice
  11. Content overview: Content overview is the statistics of the visited pages the website.
  12. Country wise Report: Country wise Report is the country wise traffic analysis of the website.
  13. Browser Report: Browser report is the statistics of web browser that used to access the website.
  14. OS Report: OS report is the statistics of operating system used on the computers that are used to access the website.
  15. Device report: Device report is the statistic of the devices like desktop, laptop, notebook, tabs etc that are used to access the website.

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Traffic Source


Visitor Type

Country Wise Report

Browser Report

OS Report

Device Report